Wednesday, June 19, 2013

No juicing today...just an update.

So I was going to do a juicing blog today, but for some reason I am very tired with a pretty bad headache so I'm going to do my blog in a couple of days. It's gonna take some effort and I'm just not in the mood today, so sorry. :(  But I did want to do an update at least. Today is technically day 3 of my two week super health splurge. Basically the plan is to have a smoothie every day for breakfast, juice sometime during the day (or maybe even multiple glasses) snacks (nuts, yogurt, veggies, fruits, etc.) and dinner either has chicken or turkey paired with lots of veggies. Salads are good and a good way to get lots of different types of veggies in, or just whatever. But only veggies as a side. Very little sugar and carbs these next two weeks. The biggest difference after these two weeks is that I'll allow some rice maybe two nights a week and every so often I will allow myself to eat something fatty or a really yummy dessert.

But so far, so good. I can tell my stomach is shrinking and I'm not craving things too badly. I am still having sugar during the day in my coconut milk, yogurt, salad dressing, and a few other minor things and I thinking knowing that is helping me not want to eat ice cream or chocolate or something. I feel like I have a much more mental grip now and it's really helping me. My sodium intake has been very minimal too, although I've never had a big problem with that in the past.

Overall though, I'm very happy that I'm finally doing this. And I'm REALLY happy that I WANT to do this now and that it's easier to do. It does help that I'm home a lot right now, so I'm using that to my advantage! Ugh, well I'm not feeling so hot so I'm gonna go lay down. But yay, healthy food!!


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